Brock Saunders on his path to venture, beginners "luck", and on how Summer Action Fund, James River Capital and angel investing come together

Episode 4 September 21, 2021 00:42:05
Brock Saunders on his path to venture, beginners "luck", and on how Summer Action Fund, James River Capital and angel investing come together
Astella Around The World
Brock Saunders on his path to venture, beginners "luck", and on how Summer Action Fund, James River Capital and angel investing come together

Sep 21 2021 | 00:42:05


Show Notes

Everyone has a different path to venture, but for Brock it basically started with an amazing experience in capital markets working for Paul Tutuor then setting up his group at Citi. Not long after, his friend Michael Makrs from Riverwood Capital invited him to invest in a private company, which we can refer to as his "lucky break" -- He invested in Sol Republic and 9 months later Monster Cable bought it for 3x. 
"These venture people act as its hard" lol, that's what he told us, but continued his sentence with: "since then, nothing ever happened like that, it's been 10 years of hard work...but it lit the spark and passion in me for venture"
Today, Brock manages 3 pockets: Summit Action Fund, James River Capital,a Family Office, and angel investments; he believes they work well together. 
As a generalist, he shares the 5 skill sets he believes necessary in evaluating a company and a few companies in their portfolio, including Clover. 

We loved our time getting to know more about Brocks professional experiences and life views, and I'm sure you will learn so much from him too. Enjoy!

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